Zana couldn't wait for Shaun to come online. Suddenly, the screen had a blinking orange tab. Could it be...? Zana clicked on the tab but to her misfortune, it was Edna- not Shaun.
Edna: hey
Zana: hi...?
Edna: do u noe Shaun's msn?
Zana: yar... why?
Edna: nothing.. just give it to me
Zana: do u like Shaun?
Edna: why..?
Zana: just curious
Edna: yup! I like him :D he's such a cutie, so sweet and charming ^^
Zana: oh..really?
Edna: u like him?!?!?
Zana: i don't know... seriously but... maybe
Edna: we need to meet..
Zana: Fine. Where?
Edna: at your house
So they met up...
At Zana's house, Edna was there and she did not look please. Zana proceeded to serve Edna a drink. Edna thought hard of how to break Zana and Shaun up. She really wanted Shaun badly and she was not going to let anyone else have him. Edna broke the silence by saying, "Oh, Zana you like Shaun right? Why not i help you ask him?" Zana shook her head in disagreement, she wanted to be Shaun's good friend and nothing more, she liked him but she wanted to keep this little secret to herself. She replied, "I do not like him! Do you..?" Edna gave a wide smile thinking to herself that she won and said, "Of course, I already told you. Now stop asking." Just like that Edna went back home. Back at home, Edna started doubting Zana's word and she could not let her guard down so she thought of plans to make Zana and Shaun enemies. Back at Jerald's, he was confused, what should he do? He could not concentrate on anything else other than thinking about Zana. No amount of his favourite games could get his mind off her. He went online but she never came online that day. How he wish he could meet her again. Just a glimpse of her would satisfy his thirst and yearning for her.

The next day, Zana went online, so did Shaun, but this time, he did not try to chat with her. Usually when he was online, he would be the person who took the first step to start a conversation but today he did not, it was strange to Zana so she went to ask him...
Zana: Hi... you okay?
It took about eternity before Shaun replied.
Shaun: what if you lose a person that you love alot?
Zana: What are you talking about? What happened?!?
Shaun: me and my girlfriend... we.. we broke up.
Zana was stunned...