Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 11:
The next day, Zana woke up. She stretched lazily on her bed. Zana went on MSN right after she had waken up since it was a Sunday and didn't need to report to school. Edna was awake too and she wanted to talk to Shaun. So she opened a conversation with Shaun, Jerald and her.

Edna: Hi
Jerald: Sup
Shaun: u added me for...?
Edna did not take it seriously and replied.
Edna: Talk lor..
Jerald decided to add in Zana
Zana has been added to the conversation.
Jerald: Hi ;D
Edna: Oh..hi
Zana: Hey [:
Jerald: bored~ :[
Edna: Zana, I heard that you joined art club. Did they pick you or you joined yourself? I bet you joined it yourself 'cos your drawing doesn't seem very good to me. Well, they PICKED me to join the competitive art club.
Zana felt insulted. Jerald wanted to give Edna a good lashing, she was being such a bitch.
Edna: So? Speak.
Shaun suddenly spoke up.
Shaun: So what if she is not as good as you? Do you have to keep on rubbing salt to the wound?She would feel hurt too.
Edna was speechless. Jerald was intending to say that but he really admired Shaun for having the courage for being able to say that. Zana really liked what Shaun had said to her. He stood up for her!
Edna: Sry Zana i did not think about your feelings.
Edna only said that to make Shaun have a better impression of her.
Shaun: If there is nothing else then I'm leaving.
Shaun left the conversation.
Shaun wasn't there, so Zana left too.
Zana left the conversation.

Jerald felt uneasy in a conversation with someone who had such an evil personality. He felt happy for Zana because Shaun had stood up for her, but somehow he felt disappointed, that Zana would like Shaun even more now. However, at that time, he still told himself not to be selfish. He knew Zana would never like him back. He told himself to be contented that she treated him like a good friend. He really tried to stop thinking of the chances of him and Zana together. But after the day Zana leaned on him for the first time, he started to get greedier. He just hoped for more but he knew he had to stop this mentality.

Zana was ecstatic, she never felt so happy not even in the arcade. She just felt satisfied that Shaun actually cared about her feelings. She was on tickled pink and this made her more determined to be his guardian angel. Maybe she was reading too much into it. What if her heart would get broken again like the previous time? She could not risk it, her heart was like glass, it would break anytime when there's presure forcing on it. Yet she could not help feeling sunny, she did not want this wonderful feeling to stop. Zana could just yearned that Shaun could understand how she feels.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

They played at the arcade till dusk and they both decided to go star gazing. Although there were many stars hanging in the sky, both of them were looking at the same star that shined so brightly. It stood out among all the other stars. Zana is like that star up there, shining the brightest among all Jerald thought. On the other hand, Zana thought Shaun is like that star that was special to her. As Zana thought of Shaun, tears brimmed her eyes, crying bitterly. As Zana cried, Jerald felt so useless. He thought to himself how could he let the girl he fancies cry. He felt so useless at that point of time. All he could do was just put his arm around Zana. Unknowingly, Zana leaned her head on Jerald and continued crying. He whispered to her, "Don't shove me away anymore. Just this once, let me comfort you." Jerald always felt like telling Zana that whenever she cries, he too is crying in his heart, but he always keeps it to himself to prevent Zana from crying even more. Jerald tried motivating her, "Zana, I will always be there to support you. Don't cry anymore." Jerald said as he wiped away her tears from her face. Jerald felt the pain Zana was feeling. His motivation had no effect on Zana so he tried joking, "Do you want another tub of ice-cream?" Finally, Zana chuckled. It was the first time he saw her smile brightly that day.

He did not want that very moment of Zana leaning on him to pass, but it was impossible to make time stop. Jerald knew it was time to go back home, so he accompanied Zana back. After awhile, they reached Zana's void deck and she said, "You can see me off here. It's late, you better go home now." Jerald nodded and waved goodbye. As he was about to leave, he turned around and said to Zana sweetly, "If anything is troubling you, call me, alright? I'm there for you 24/7." As he said that, he gave the warmest smile that Zana had ever seen before. After Zana reached home and finished bathing, she laid on her bed thinking about the day she had spent with Jerald. She even smiled to herself while thinking about it. He sure is a nice guy... He cares so much about me, Zana thought as she smiled. She looked out of the window and looked at the stars above. She saw the same star she had seen with Jerald. Instead of thinking about Shaun and start crying, she thought of Jerald and started smiling to herself. Jerald was just like that star up there, always there for her no matter what, but Zana just treated him like an elder brother and nothing more. Jerald lay on the bed thinking of Zana. Just thinking about her being alright made his heart at ease. He felt blissful seeing that wide smile on her face. He hoped that she would smile like that everyday. Whenever she was happy, so was he.

That night, was the most peaceful night Zana had ever spent. As she lay on her comfy pillow, her heart felt comforted and not hurt like always. Every night, she thought about Shaun, but as for this night, she knew it was not going to be the same. Could she just stop loving him? She couldn't. However, the aching pain was gone momentarily. It felt great. It felt like the old times when she didn't know Shaun then. When she was just the Zana everyone else knew. The girl they were friends with and not someone like her now. The scars on her heart had been healed. She felt as if she had broke free from the pain that was like hell to her. That night, she slept very soundly.

The next day, Edna was still harping on the fact that Shaun did not fancy Zana. She just felt a tremendous rush of joy. The fact of her and Shaun being together just made her turn pink with happiness. She just hoped he did not have a girlfriend. If he did, she would try to scheme a way to break them up. She was thinking of plans to bring themselves together. On the other hand, Jerald wanted to bring Zana happiness by bringing her and Shaun together.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

After everyone arrived, they proceeded to Pizza Hut. They found a nice and cozy spot to sit down and chat. After eating their lunch, they went to play truth or dare while having some dessert. Edna took out a bottle that she had finished drinking and placed it in the middle of the table. The first one to spin was Edna. The bottle stopped at Jerald. Edna asked, "Truth or Dare?" Jerald replied," Truth, I'm scared." Edna quizzed," Do you like Zana?" Jerald stammered," Of course... not." Edna knew Jerald's feelings for Zana and she smiled gleefully. She was happy no one was going to compete with her for Shaun. Next, Jerald span the bottle to Shaun, he asked, "Truth or Dare?" Shaun answered, "dare.". Before Jerald could even ask the question, Edna cut in and said, "I dare you to say I love you to Zana.". Shaun was left in a spot. He replied, "I'm sorry guys. I can't say I love you to a person whom I don't even like." Edna was celebrating inside but she was careful not to show any signs of it.

Jerald stared at Zana, knowing how hurt she would be. Zana murmured, "I need to go to the ladies." Jerald almost followed her to the ladies. He asked in a concerned tone, "Do you want to take a breather with me? I can lend you a shoulder to lean on.". Zana shook her head and just shoved him to a side and dashed to the toilet. She didn't want him to see her in such a pathetic state. She sat in the cubicle alone, not knowing why she felt so cold all of a sudden. A cold chill swept past her. Her heart shattered into a million fragments after hearing what Shaun had said. She just wanted to run away from the cruel reality. At that moment, her heart ached more than ever. She wish she could hide somewhere nobody could find her. Her tears rolled down her cheeks endlessly. The pain was overbearing. It felt as if her heart was being stabbed. It was like a torture to her or worst. Between sobs, she murmured to herself, "Why? Why? Why is this happening to me?!" She felt like a fool, she wanted to forget him but she just couldn't. The more she attempted to, the more vivid it became. Liking him was just too difficult, it was just so tiring. It made her exhausted, she just wanted to put an end to it.

Back at the table, Shaun was confused. Why did Zana suddenly want to go to the toilet after what he had said? While Shaun was in deep thought, Edna was smirking to herself. "He SO doesn't like her... he so doesn't like her," she chanted to herself. Jerald was worried, he wanted to go comfort her but she refused. What could he do? She looked so depressed. He wanted to give her a warm hug and lend her a ear as a friend and nothing more, but would she accept? Zana wiped her eyes. She did not want Shaun to know of her unrequited love. Jerald saw Zana returning to her seat. He wanted to help her so he pulled her hand and told her to wait while he told the rest that they needed to go. He brought her out and bought her a vanilla ice cream as he was once told that eating ice cream could make someone feel better when they are down. After that, he brought her to the arcade and Zana had a great time there that she has forgotten about her sorrows.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The sky looked menacing just like Edna thoughts. Why don't I ask Zana to help me ask what first impression I created on Shaun thought Edna. That night, when Zana went online, Edna told her the plan. Zana did not agree at first but she gave in to Edna's endless pleading. When Zana was typing, her fingernail chipped. It was a bad omen but she continued with her 'mission'. So the conversation went like that:
Zana: hi
Shaun: hi
Zana: err...what do you think of Edna?
Zana nudges Shaun
Shaun: Urm... she is okay. Why?
Zana: Just asking
Shaun: I am kind of busy so bye.
Zana: okay bye

Zana hated lying to Shaun, but it was a favour and Edna really wanted to know. Zana told Edna the whole conversation. Somehow, Zana felt as if Edna did not trust her. Indeed, Edna did not believe her but what could she say? After all, Zana did what she was asked to. Zana was still thinking of the broken fingernail. Was it a sign? Edna wanted to get closer to Shaun so she asked Shaun, Jerald and Zana out as an excuse. She set the location at Junction 8. The date was tomorrow, she just couldn't wait. She messaged Shaun, Zana and Jerald. To her luck, all of them were free and all could come.

The next day, Edna arrived at the location early. She was bursting with excitement. Soon, Zana arrived. She looked really pretty. Jerald came with Shaun, Shaun looked much better than before thought Zana. What did he do to make himself so handsome? Edna just stood there looking at Shaun. She was mesmerized. All she could see was Shaun and no one else.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Zana kept drawing portraits of Shaun the way he used to smile, to remember that smile of his, which she can never see nowadays. Yet no matter how many times Zana drew, she could never get it right. She just wanted to be a good friend to him and watch over him to make him tickled pink again. Just interacting with him made her satisfied, but these splendid times may never happen again. If only she could own a time machine which could be rewinded back to the past.

The next day after the gathering, Zana was free so she went online on MSN. She saw that Shaun was online too. Her mouse circled around his name on the screen and she thought of the delightful times when she and Shaun were prattling happily by just chatting about stuff that didn't really matter. Those were the times she wish she could go back to, when Shaun was ecstatic and so was she. Now just thinking about it, made her heart sink, the memories were so beautiful yet thinking about it made her heart ached even more. The more pictures she drew of him the more she knew she was positively in love with him. How did she even start to have this feeling? She did not even know, but she wanted to keep this feeling to herself. She was so scared of rejection and the thought of the awkwardness that would come between herself and Shaun. The thought of not being his friend anymore made her feel so afraid of confession.

Jerald wanted to help Zana, but how could he help her? Seeing her so helpless and despondent made him feel so dysfunctional. Even if he could not have her, he would at least try to make her smile. That smile of her's would make his heart melt like an ice-cream under the sizzling hot sun. That sweetness of her would make him want to look after her and make her feel secured and protected. What could he do? Suddenly, he thought of an idea to bring Shaun and Zana together to make that million dollar smile of her's return.

Edna was scheming of a plan to make Shaun her's, but it would not be easy. Shaun is such a loyal boyfriend she thought. If he was mine, how nice would that be.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When Jerald heard about it, he thought hard on a solution to help Zana and Shaun be together because this is what can make Zana happy. Jerald will be happy if Zana was. Just like that, Zana and Jerald said their goodbyes and promised to keep in contact via MSN.

That night, Edna was thinking about Shaun strange behaviour. Tomorrow... yes tomorrow. I would, I definitely would ask him. Zana just hoped that Shaun would not ignore her, she just wanted to be a good friend.

The next day, as usual, Zana came back from school and after she ate her lunch, she went online on MSN. She stared at the screen waiting for him to come online. One hour passed, he still had not came online, she wanted to keep this 'love' as a secret between her and Jerald yet she cannot help it but she just want to spill out the secret. To keep her from spilling out the secret, she decided to draw a portrait of him. She drew many portraits but she just couldn't get one right. Suddenly, Shaun and Jerald went online at the same time. Zana added Shaun and Jerald to a conversation, but Shaun just left without a word. It was not like Shaun, he used to chat in the conversation and joke around but he just didn't. What was happening to Shaun? Was the breakup such a big blow to him thought Zana. Suddenly there was a nudge.

Jerald say: hi
Zana say:oh..hi
Jerald say: Any news of you and Shaun?
Zana say: i think i should just forget about him..
Jerald say: Because of him you probably have been happy
Zana say: yes.. maybe but it would be awkward between us if i told
Jerald say: Was it awkward between us?
Zana say: it's just different. I don't know how to put in words, maybe i just want to be a good friend to him... nothing else. If he doesn't accept me it doesn't matter.
Jerald say: then.. what do you wanna do now?
Zana say: Just watch over Shaun.. i think i gotta go. Bye
Jerald say: okay bye

Just like how i watch over you thought Jerald deep inside his heart. He was going to look over her, for now and forever...

Edna punched in the numbers of Shaun and she dailed. Ring..ring..ring..
Shaun on the phone: hello who is this?
Edna on the phone: this is Edna
Shaun on the phone: oh..
Edna on the phone: you free?
Shaun on the phone: not really so make it quick
Edna using a fake concerned tone: okay.. are you okay?
Shaun on the phone: urm.. no. Are you that curious?
Edna: urmm... I am a little curious but if you wish not to tell me then that's fine with me.
Shaun: never mind. Telling you won't harm and thanks for your concern. I... broke up with my girlfriend. I think i got to go bye.
Before she could say goodbye he hanged up, but that was okay to her. She was on cloud on nine because Shaun broke up. She had a wide evil grin just thinking about the breakup.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

That night at the gathering, Jerald and Edna were the first to arrive. They seemed as though they were looking for someone. They kept looking in all directions.

Soon after they arrived, the other participants reached the location of the gathering. Minutes passed, yet Zana and Shaun were not there. Zana came after 15 minutes, she arrived late due to her dilemma whether to go or not. Now, it was left with Shaun. Was he going to come? Is Shaun going to come, thought Edna. Why was he not here thought Zana. She felt uneasy. Was he not there because he could not get over the break up or was he just trying to avoid her? She was about to leave when Shaun arrived. He seemed lethargic. Zana suddenly felt relief. Maybe he was not trying to avoid her after all. Maybe he was just busy.

Jerald was thinking if he should confess to Zana. If he confessed, will he be rejected? Rejection was a big deal to face. He was afraid he could not take the pain, but if he was going to get rejected, shouldn't he face it sooner rather than getting hurt later on and the scar would be deeper. After all, it was not his style to keep things bottled up. He knew he had to confess. He approached Zana and pulled her to a corner. He plucked up his courage and cleared his throat, his hands were clammy and sweaty. He stammered, "Zana... I think..."
She looked really confused, should I tell her thought Jerald. It's sooner or later, he continued, "I like you... Zana." She looked straight at at him and for a moment, she blanked out. Zana was just speechless. She regained herself and she looked really lost. Zana did not want to break Jerald's heart but she just could not bring herself to accept him. She replied with a shaky voice, " I... can't accept your love. I'm so sorry." Jerald asked why. She said, "I think... I am in love with someone else. I'm... I'm not sure." Jerald felt as if his world crashed but he anticipated this. For the one he loved, he would do anything. He asked who but Zana did not reveal. Jerald knew that he would persevere to make her happy and she sure did not look happy, but maybe if he waited long enough she would accept him.

They went back to the gathering and everyone was chit chatting. Jerald observed Zana to find out who she liked and why was it affecting her. He noticed the way she looked at Shaun. Edna could not stop staring at Shaun too, she just felt so infatuated with him. She knew she was not going to let her guard down and allow Zana to be with Shaun. Zana saw that Shaun was so quiet while everyone was having fun and laughing about practically everything. He just wasn't who he used to be. Slowly, Zana realised her feelings for him. How could she love him? Edna likes him too. Would she give him up for her? She would, if it makes him happy. She just wanted to lift all his worries and pain from him. If only she could, if only...
Edna just stare dreamily at Shaun and she knew she would not get sick of it. Edna asked Shaun why he seemed moodier than usual. Zana thought: she finally realised that. Jerald was curious too, maybe what was affecting Zana was this secret and he just knew that Zana knew what was the secret. Shaun just shook his head and said, "Sorry Edna. I would just not like to talk about it."
At the end of the gathering, everyone bade farewell. Edna was disappointed that the Shaun who was in the camp was not the easy-going one anymore. Jerald asked Zana a question before she left. Jerald questioned, "You like Shaun, don't you? I can..."Jerald could not bring himself to say it, more than he wanted to be with Zana, he wanted her to be happy. He continued, "I can bring you two together if you would bother to share what is wrong." Zana thought hard if she could tell the secret. She asked Shaun if she could and Shaun just replied "Just say if it makes you less burdened." She told the whole story to Jerald.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why had she never thought he had a girlfriend? Mixed thoughts were running through her mind, different emotions were in her heart. Was she to be happy that he broke up? Or was she to be sad for him? So much happenings happened in that split second.
Zana: Are you okay?
Shaun: No...
Zana: Don't be sad
Although he had broke up she was not happy, her heart ached more than ever to see the one she loved, sad.
Shaun: Thanks, but i don't know if i can take it..
Suddenly, Shaun went offline. He never left without saying goodbye, thought Zana. He must felt really hurt. That night, Zana could not sleep, she rolled on her bed thinking of Shaun. She did not know why she was feeling like that.

Jerald decided to hold a gathering of the participants who went to the camp, as he had missed Zana badly. Edna could not wait for the gathering, because she could see Shaun there.
The next day, Zana awoke from her sleep, she felt terrible as she did not have a good sleep. Most of all, she could not forget was the details of what happened the day before. The breakup was still lingering in her mind, she wondered if Edna knew.
Edna was counting to the days to the gathering. Days passed and there was only three days left to the gathering. Jerald was excited to see the girl of his dream. Zana went online on MSN. She saw that Shaun was online, she clicked on him.
Zana: Hi
Shaun: Sry not free
He always made time for her and joked around with her but today he didn't, he was just not in the mood to. This made Zana very upset & at the same time, worried about him.

Edna punched in Shaun's number but she was too shy to call him so she erased all the numbers. She hated herself for not being able to have the courage to call him.

The gathering was nearing, in just one more day. That night, Jerald could not get to sleep he was just so excited to see Zana. Edna, too, she was also having problem sleeping. She could not wait to see Shaun. While Edna and Jerald could not sleep because they were too excited, Zana could not sleep because she was worried for Shaun. He had not talked to her in days, it was just not like him. For many days, she could not stop thinking of Shaun, was she in love...? Unfortunately, even if she was in love, he does not talk to her using the easy going tone he used to have. It was a total different matter for Shaun, he did not look forward to the gathering, as he was still upset over the break up and he felt terrible.

The day of the gathering has arrived and Zana was excited yet scared to see Shaun. What could they expect that day?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Zana couldn't wait for Shaun to come online. Suddenly, the screen had a blinking orange tab. Could it be...? Zana clicked on the tab but to her misfortune, it was Edna- not Shaun.
Edna: hey
Zana: hi...?
Edna: do u noe Shaun's msn?
Zana: yar... why?
Edna: nothing.. just give it to me
Zana: do u like Shaun?
Edna: why..?
Zana: just curious
Edna: yup! I like him :D he's such a cutie, so sweet and charming ^^
Zana: oh..really?
Edna: u like him?!?!?
Zana: i don't know... seriously but... maybe
Edna: we need to meet..
Zana: Fine. Where?
Edna: at your house
So they met up...
At Zana's house, Edna was there and she did not look please. Zana proceeded to serve Edna a drink. Edna thought hard of how to break Zana and Shaun up. She really wanted Shaun badly and she was not going to let anyone else have him. Edna broke the silence by saying, "Oh, Zana you like Shaun right? Why not i help you ask him?" Zana shook her head in disagreement, she wanted to be Shaun's good friend and nothing more, she liked him but she wanted to keep this little secret to herself. She replied, "I do not like him! Do you..?" Edna gave a wide smile thinking to herself that she won and said, "Of course, I already told you. Now stop asking." Just like that Edna went back home. Back at home, Edna started doubting Zana's word and she could not let her guard down so she thought of plans to make Zana and Shaun enemies. Back at Jerald's, he was confused, what should he do? He could not concentrate on anything else other than thinking about Zana. No amount of his favourite games could get his mind off her. He went online but she never came online that day. How he wish he could meet her again. Just a glimpse of her would satisfy his thirst and yearning for her.

The next day, Zana went online, so did Shaun, but this time, he did not try to chat with her. Usually when he was online, he would be the person who took the first step to start a conversation but today he did not, it was strange to Zana so she went to ask him...
Zana: Hi... you okay?
It took about eternity before Shaun replied.
Shaun: what if you lose a person that you love alot?
Zana: What are you talking about? What happened?!?
Shaun: me and my girlfriend... we.. we broke up.
Zana was stunned...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The day of the camp arrived, the long wait was over...
During the camp, Zana got to know Edna and she discovered Edna had a unique and quirky personality. Soon, they became friends. Jerald had a really good impression of Zana but he knew he was going to keep that to himself. Edna hanged out with Shaun and she just loves his easy going way. She loves the way Shaun jokes about everything and the way he just gives the innocent smile when there was nothing to talk about. Zana was amazed by Shaun's drawing skills. It was a piece of art that was too beautiful to be true.

The competition day had finally arrived.This year's theme for the competition was "The Things I Love" and the participants had to give a speech about what and why they drew that. Zana wondered what she would draw. She asked for opinions from the other participant. During the competition, everyone was busy working on their masterpieces. Zana really wanted this scholarship so did the others. In the end, Shaun emerged victorious. His art piece was a globe & a family portrait and his presentation was really touching. All his work just seemed so real thought Zana. Edna clapped the loudest for Shaun while the rest were a little sulky.

After the camp, all of them exchanged their email address and phone numbers. When Jerald reached home, he was thinking to himself what a fine girl he met. Just thinking of her made his heart fluttered. His brain cells were filled with Zana and more Zana. Jerald was intoxicated with Zana. Back at Edna, she was going googoogaga about Shaun. It was her first encounter with such a nice guy like Shaun. He was friendly yet gentle. She just wish he would like her back. At Zana's house, Zana was facing the computer screen blankly. Should she add him or not? After putting much thought into it, she finally decided to add him. God, she felt great. She did not know why but she was just so excited just waiting for Shaun to go online. Suddenly, on her screen, she saw a blinking orange tab...
Shaun says: Hi Zana
Zana says: Hi Shaun
Shaun says: Yo babe! What's up?
Zana says: Stop kidding around
Shaun says: haha, you know me so well.
Zana says: Of course! jkjk
Shaun says: Lols.. so how is it going?
Zana says: What do you mean?
Shaun says: Just feel like talking to you & asking crap. lol
Zana says: okay...
Although Zana said okay, she was overwhelmed with happiness. Shaun started joking around and all Zana could do was sink in deeper and deeper.

The next few days, Shaun continued chatting with Zana and they really had a good time. Edna mustered up her courage to message Shaun. She waited and waited for Shaun to reply. Suddenly, her phone rang. Edna rushed to pick up the call. She heard that manly yet gentle voice she just wanted to kill for. Her heart thumped vigorously as if it was going to pop out. She and Shaun had a great chat. One minute passed... Thirty minutes passed... An hour passed... yet they were still talking. Jerald kept thinking of Zana's pretty face. He decided to message her. The messages went like that...
Jerald: Hi, bored. [:
Zana: Hi. Me too bored...
Jerald: We think alike
Zana: haha. you are my twin!
Jerald: Lol
Yet inside, Jerald didn't want to be twins alone. He wanted to be more than just friends.
Singapore is a very small country, this country has alot of coincidences yet none of this happened to a girl named Zana. Her life was meant to be connected to a guy named Shaun. How they met all started during the November holidays. They went for an audition to get into a talent camp organised by Arte Academy for the gifted. Every young artist dreams to go to that school as it is a prestigious school. The school fees are rather exorbitant. The school is holding a camp for the selected young artists & will be giving away a scholarship to the winner of the competition. The winner is scheduled to leave one year after the camp. Fortunately, Zana, Shaun, Jerald & Edna successfully got in.
Yo peeps :D
Welcome to our blog. ^^ Love Like Coffee Chapter 1 will be out soon. Why did we name it Love Like Coffee?? Well, that's because in this story, it's a bitter sweet story, just like coffee. So, basically.. that's what it is. We will post more stories as soon as possible after we finish each of them. If you find these stories nice, do recommend them to your friends. Once again, we would like to say that if you find the range of vocabulary limited, you should know why. Hehehe. Oh! Do comment; we want to know how you feel about our stories. Thank you! SPREAD THE LOVE!! :D